A Vision Becomes Reality.

Dream, Create, Evolve.

Just like the beginning of the Universe, The Evolution Empire originated from a burst of passionate energy and clients who matter. The Evolution Empire is "The Big Bang" of brand marketing and personal development.

I am an evolutionistgrower, and doer. I don't stop at comfortable – I push the limits of where my clients can go. Together, we will create a brand or life path you are proud of.

About Me

In 2019, I decided to start freelancing after gaining experience working in New York City for creative agencies with clients like Hershey, State Farm, and HSBC. The Evolution Empire maximized my diverse skill sets across numerous companies while also being able to manage individual clients simultaneously.

To complement my business, I started a podcast called, Evolution With Emily to highlight brands, businesses, and people who embrace their evolution. I have shared the stories behind brands like Barbie, Dove Real Beauty, and Burger King.

The Evolution Empire became more than just my freelancing business, it is now the ethos for how I live and show up in the world while inspiring others to do the same.

“I believe each brand and individual can evolve beyond what they ever thought possible. That is what drives me. Seeing the impact an evolution can have on someone.”

Follow along with my evolution!


To deeply understand the world, fully immerse yourself in it .

In 2023 I solo-traveled worldwide while working remotely, optimizing time zones, and living amongst various cultures and languages.